About Us

In AdP we know that an airport is much more than a place of transit. An airport is a place where people reunite, a place that brings together departures and arrivals. It creates strong connections between different cultures and it broadens our horizons every time we take off. Our watchword, which we say every day and we hope to express in each of our airports, is captured in a simple sentence: Integrating modernity and culture.

Two concepts synthesized in a single goal: to make each airport reach international standards of safety, efficiency, comfort and quality; and at the same time, to reappreciate and express the rich culture that characterizes and differentiates each of the twelve cities where our network of airports has been built, along the coast, over the mountains and into the jungle of Peru.


By the year 2031 we will have a modern airport infrastructure in place, and it will be run efficiently and following the highest safety and security standards.


Conectar familias, negocios y destinos de manera segura, poniendo a disposición de nuestros usuarios una  infraestructura aeroportuaria moderna, respetando el medio ambiente, contribuyendo así con la descentralización  y desarrollo del comercio y turismo regional

History of AdP

  • Since the beginning of the concession, Aeropuertos del Peru has set for itself a fundamental objective:  To be the prime performer in the airport development industry.
  • To achieve this, during the first three years we launched an initial investment program aimed at providing safety and comfort to users, modernizing and expanding the existing infrastructure and renovating airport equipment. 
  • These investments, hand in hand with the economic growth experienced by Peru in recent years, contributed to the entry of new airlines increasing air traffic, resulting in a rise in passenger flow across our airport network. 
  • Moreover, in seeking to provide better service to passengers, AdP made available a wide commercial offer which, together with passenger growth, contributed to a significant reduction in the co-financing granted by the Peruvian Government.
  • The results obtained, 300% increase in air traffic in northern and southern Peru, give us great confidence in the future; our vision of having a modern infrastructure for commercial aviation development in the country prevails. 
  • In line with this challenge, AdP has developed master plans for each of the airports under its concession. These reflect our view of the development of airport infrastructure in relation to the increased flow of passengers and air operations, and are fully compliant with international and security standards, improving the level of service.
  • The concession operated by AdP is a co-financed Public-Private Partnership. Therefore, the successful implementation of these master plans will require the joint effort of the concessionaire AdP and the grantor Peruvian Government.
  • The development of AdP’s airport infrastructure is now a reality for the city of Pisco and it is captured in the new modern air terminal in that city.This is how we achieve a milestone in the development of airport infrastructure in Peru; becoming the driving force for tourism in the region, enhancing the attractiveness of tourist areas such as the Bay of Paracas and the Nazca Lines and with the future outlook of boosting the development of other players in this sector, such as hotels, tour guides, museums and restaurants.
  • It will also promote the growth of production and agricultural exports of Ica (Region) and neighboring regions, allowing savings in logistics costs. 
  • Continuing the implementation of our master plans, which involve an investment of US$984 MM in the next six years, we have initiated the Chiclayo International airport  project.
  • This investment will exploit the potential of the city of Chiclayo, not only as an economic hub in northern Peru, but also as a way to connect the Andean highlands and the Amazon because of its strategic location.

IMS and SMS Integrated Policy

“Aeropuertos del Peru is the concessionary in charge of the design, improvement of the infrastructure and quality of the service, maintenance, operation and exploitation of the airports located in: Anta, Cajamarca, Chachapoyas, Chiclayo, Iquitos, Pisco, Piura, Pucallpa, Talara, Tarapoto, Trujillo and Tumbes.

Our commitments are based on the obligations and rights acquired by both the Concessionaire and the Grantor, through the Concession Contract signed with the Peruvian State, as well as on the processes of strategic planning, risk management and compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements, the same ones that we declare below:

  • Identify and satisfy the needs and expectations of our clients, ensuring service conformity and promoting continuous improvement of our processes.
  • Ensure aviation safety through risk management and the development of a culture of voluntary and confidential reporting of any act and / or condition that compromises safety.
  • Provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of injuries, health deterioration, incidents and accidents, eliminating hazards and reducing work-related risks, promoting the participation and consultation of our employees and their representatives in compliance with the objectives of Safety and Health at Work.
  • Prevent environmental pollution, that may be generated as a result of the development of our activities and seek to reduce the use of energy in our operations.
  • Manage, in each of our headquarters and processes, the risks of the occurrence of acts of corruption or other illicit acts, including -although not limited to- crimes such as: bribery, money laundering, financing of terrorism, collusion or influence peddling. This management will be in charge of the Prevention Officer, who acts with authority and independence, supported by the Ethics Operating Committee, which promotes an ethical behavior culture, confidential reporting and without fear of retaliation, and applying the required disciplinary measures.
  • Ensure the provision of the necessary resources for the fulfillment of the commitments subscribed in this policy.


This policy is mandatory for all AdP employees and made available to all stakeholders".


General Manager

Aeropuertos del Perú S.A.

Version 9. Approved on october 11, 2022


AdP has the following certifications:

GPTW Certification
ABE Certification
Los Mejores Lugares Para Trabajar 2020
Airport Carbon Accreditation - REDUCTION
ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management System
ISO 14064-1:2006 - Greenhouse Gas Verification Statement
Anti-Corruption Certification

Anti-Corruption Rules

The Board of Directors, Senior Management and other AdP employees are committed to comply with each of the following rules:

  1. Do not tolerate or justify any act of corruption: No employee, regardless of his or her position, may ask us to violate the ethical guidelines defined by AdP.
  1. Interest Management: We do not use our position or AdP's name to access personal benefits.
  1. Dealing and meetings with public servants:
  • These meetings should be held at the facilities of the public authority, AdP or consulting firms responsible for a project.
  • We make sure that at least two (2) AdP representatives in attendance.
  • We register in the AdP Portal (Meetings with public authority and their representatives) meetings of a nature other than coordination or day-to-day activities.
  1. Declarations of potential conflict of interest: We declare any family or affinity relationship with public servant or persons/ entities related to AdP, whose relationship may affect our judgment or decision making.
  1. We do not provide donations to any public authority
  1. We do not provide financing to political parties or political campaigns.
  1. Asset management: We do not use company assets or funds for our own benefit or that of third parties.
  1. Due diligence with stakeholders: We are cautious when entering into relationships with employees, customers or suppliers. In order to do so, they must go through an evaluation process to understand whether the potential risks that this relationship could represent are acceptable.
  1. Gifts and gratuities: These are acceptable as long as they do not have an undue influence on business relationships. In this regard:
  • Gifts to be given on behalf of AdP must be approved by the General Manager.
  • Gifts such as office supplies or advertising items identified with the client's or supplier's logo are acceptable. Anything that does not fall into this category is given to the Human Resources and Internal Communication Management.
  1. Compliance with travel expense policies: We accounted for expenses incurred in a detailed manner, stating the meetings with public servants and the topics discussed.
  1. Transparency, accuracy and clarity of information: We record all financial, accounting and other information resulting from our activities in a clear, accurate and truthful manner.
  1. Confidentiality of information: We keep inside information confidential and do not share or discuss it with third parties, except in cases of legal or regulatory obligation.
  1. Adequacy of incentives: We seek to ensure that employee incentive programs do not inadvertently promote unethical acts.
  1. Reporting: We report any suspicion or act of corruption, without fear of retaliation, through the "We are Ethical" channel, to the Prevention Officer or to the immediate supervisor.

Affiliates and Subsidiaries


It serves more than 120 thousand flights and mobilizes over 190 thousand metric tons of air cargo, both domestic and international. It has more than 4,000 expert personnel, trained under the highest international standards, operating in the 19 main airports of Peru. The company is constantly evolving, always seeking to implement new technologies, processes and certifications that will contribute to its positioning as one of the leading companies in its field in Latin America.



Talma México

In October 2010, Talma took its growth to the next level by launching Talma México, a company that currently operates in Mexico's most important cities and the largest cross-border with the US. (Laredo, TX).

Talma México offers the services of bonded warehouses, consolidated cargo and loading and unloading services.



Talma Ecuador

En 2017 se inició operaciones en 7 de los principales aeropuertos del Ecuador a través de los servicios de rampa. De esta manera Talma se posiciona como referente en el rubro de servicios aeroportuarios.

Los servicios que brindamos se encuentran respaldados por altos estándares internacionales para la gestión de la calidad, como ISAGO e ISO 9001.


Talma Colombia

Es una de las principales empresas de servicios aeroportuarios de  Colombia que opera en los 19 principales aeropuertos del país y cuenta con una participación de mercado del 32%.

Brinda servicios de asistencia en tierra, servicios al pasajero, mantenimiento de aeronaves y servicios de capacitación.
